
NOTE: I know how to use chatgpt and other Ai to complete this assignment but it keeps getting flagged and my lecturer keep scoring me zero. Please you cannot use Ai to complete this assignment!!! Please include the screenshots of question 1, 2, and 3 when you are done.

Code for Python Guessing Game

 Write a program to perform the following functionality.  Part 1 Call a function to display the heading.  Part 2 Write the following loop: Prompt the user for a limit.  Call a function to play the game which will: Calculate a random number using the limit entered by the user.  Display a message showing the range … Read more


5) Rank order all students by total credit (DESC) 6) Create a view tot_credits_dept (columns: year, dept_name, num_credits) with the total number of credits taken by all students in each year for courses offered by each department 7) Compute average number of credits over three preceding years per department using the view you created 8) … Read more

The Course is a Deep-learning

   ,, I will upload more information about it to know better about the material Hi all, the instructions for the final project are attached. You are allowed to finish the project within 2 days at most. you can choose and tell me which option is easy and fast you can work on it Final_Project-1.pdf … Read more

Computer Science- Python Assignment problem VEXcode VR ActivitiesObjective:

   Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots. Instructions: 1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the 2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this … Read more

Computer Science- Python Assignment problem VEXcode VR Activities Objective:

   Demonstrate your VEXcode VR programming skills through a creative PowerPoint presentation enhanced with video and screenshots. Instructions: 1. Choose Activities: Select four advanced activities from the 2. Learn: You can learn how to program your virtual robot in the (It is strongly recommended that your review this information prior to attempting this … Read more

Computer Science- Python Python Homework Assignment using Jupyter Notebook

   Homework Assignment #2  1. Please use SQLite3 and the financial data provided in class(sp500_mafa2024.db) to estimate the ROA, Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, PPE (property, plant and equipment) to Total assets, Debt to Total Assets ratios for the information technology industry, and the consumer staples industry respectively from 2012 to 2022. Furthermore, please provide histograms … Read more

Computer Science- Python AI Lap assignments

First Assignment: <<Dealing with Depth First and Breadth First Search algorithms >> Second Assignment: <<Dealing with uniform, A* and Greedy Search algorithms >> Third Assignment: <<Dealing with Genetic algorithm>> The details are on the zip file. How to deliver your work: • Use a zip utility to bundle your files together and submit them as … Read more

Python and SQL queries

1. Basic codes of Pythonin which average codes which includes if, elif, else, list(appending slicing, deleting ,inserting),dictionary(lengthfunc, clear, upadete etc),loop, while loop,   2. Basic codes of sql queries in which alter commands create table edit table(add row,delete row or column, change data type,describe structure..etc) Need to make 30 questions and answers using above codes. Need … Read more

Discussion Python in deep learning

You will discuss the role of Python in deep learning, classification,  and pattern recognition. You will address home/industry applications of  Deep Learning, microcontroller/microprocessor used to implement Deep  Learning, and the difference between machine learning and deep learning.    In your original post, answer the following: Research about Deep Learning and share with the class what … Read more