Use your reading on a One Question Question by Duhamel et al (2009) to practice this questioning strategy with a family. Share your reflections and outcome.

Use your reading on a One Question Question by Duhamel et al (2009) to practice this questioning strategy with a family. Share your reflections and outcome. AND Choose THREE of the following to answer in your initial post:  What are the barriers/challenges described in your readings that you also face in your environments as you … Read more

2-2 Self-Assessment: Big Five Personality Traits

  Do you believe the result of the assessment accurately reflects your personality? Why or why not Why is a self-analysis and the creation of skill development plans part of the behavioral competencies of value? How might the experience of working in small groups benefit your organization? How does familiarity with the SHRM website and … Read more

Bible initial reflection

  When did you start? Why did you start? How has your understanding of the Bible changed over time? What have been the hardest parts to read? What have been the easiest parts to read? Why are some parts harder/easier than others? Read and review the Religion Program Guide in Trefey Library and comment on … Read more


Using the readings by Alderson and Nielsen (2002) and Mahutga and Jorgenson (2016), answer the following questions in two sentences or less. How are imports from the global South thought to increase inequality in developed countries? How are exports to the global North thought to increase inequality in less-developed countries? Synthesizing information from the two … Read more

6340 W1 Reflection

Good day writer,  Please see the attached instructions for the assignment. Below is my initial post. Please use the previous 6340 attachments for readings.  W1 D1 Good day all, 1. What skills do you believe are important for a consultant to be successful? I believe success in consulting demands effective communication, analytical skills, and adaptability. Effective … Read more


 have enjoyed interacting with each of you during this term. Please provide feedback on what you learned the most from this course and what can be improved for this course. You will not be required to submit feedback on your classmates post in this forum. Thank you!  any chapters from  Babin, Barry J. and Harris, … Read more

How Do I Want Others to See me

Please read assigned attached.  Here are the 5 ways people described me:  1. Compassionate, trustworthy, loving. This person described my leadership as democratic. 2. Dependable, trustworthy, thoughtful. This person described my leadership amazing. “She knows how to handle her work environment. She also helps and motivates her co-workers.” 3. Professional, punctual and knowledgeable. “You have … Read more


Reflect: It is time to think about what you have learned in this module and reflect on how it fits with your professional experiences and prior knowledge. In this Evolve activity, you will simply assess how what you have learned this week compares to what you knew previously and how it might benefit you in … Read more