Did the Administrator Make the Correct Decision?

 Choose a sport program of interest to you. Find a current article from a reputable source that specifically discusses an issue related to finance, human resources, policy development, or marketing and how that issue was resolved. Did the decision support the organization’s mission? Do you think the administrator made the correct decision? Why or why … Read more

Respond to Aaron Post

Hey everyone! I believe this topic is sensitive and there is no black or white answer covering every situation. Bail, crime, and people in general are fluid and dynamic. The response to crime must be dynamic and fluid as well. Remaining static is not appropriate in our current criminal justice climate. Why am I stating … Read more

Respond to Donna post

Good afternoon class,  I do not agree that cash bail should be eliminated. Keeping cash bail as an option in pretrial procedures makes it more difficult for the defendants to get out of jail while waiting trial which would help keep the criminals off the streets. Eliminating cash bail could put a damper on the … Read more

8-2 Discussion: Make Your Case

Throughout this course, you have studied numerous theories that attempt to explain criminal behavior. Because criminology is closely connected to sociology, explanations of criminal behavior have been predominantly sociological. Some criminological theorists who offer biological and psychological explanations for criminal behavior believe that their theories, for a variety of reasons, have not been as broadly … Read more

Respond to Chloe post

I once experienced ineffective communication during a team project at work where the project manager failed to clearly communicate the deadline for a crucial deliverable. Our team consisted of the project manager, myself, and other colleagues. The communication was verbal in a team meeting. The lack of clarity and specificity in the instructions led to … Read more

Respond to Angie Post

Hello, The benefits of understanding criminal theories is helping one gain the understanding of crimes and the criminal justice system. The  limitations of applying theories is that all behaviors cannot be explained by existing theories.  (IPL.org., 2015). When stereotyping criminal behaviors you can possibly overlook the true cause of someone’s actions. This is the easiest … Read more

5-2 Discussion: Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Many research scholars and experts consider emotional intelligence to be a better indicator of success and effective leadership than a person’s IQ or other personality traits. In this discussion, you will take a self-assessment to gauge your emotional intelligence skills and then discuss your results. For your initial post, first click the My eMaterials link … Read more

6-1 Discussion: Knowing and Applying Theory

As you have learned in this course, there are numerous criminological theories that attempt to explain the causes of criminal behavior. Despite disagreement among the different theories regarding the causes of this behavior, research data gathered in support of each theory can be very useful to criminal justice professionals. In this discussion, you will explore … Read more

Respond to Jheanelle Post

Hello Everyone,  I strongly believe the classical school of thoughts has the most influence on criminal justice practices, as it encourages free will and reasonable decision making. It promoted the opportunity that peoples should make rational decisions in regard to getting involved in criminal activities or not because they are able to compare the advantages … Read more