Bio 1110 week 5

  Select two of the unit student learning outcome (USLO) prompts below to respond to in this week’s reflection. Distinguish the various functions of the integument. Differentiate the structure and functions of the epidermis.  Differentiate the structure and functions of the dermis.  Differentiate the structure and functions of the subcutaneous.  Distinguish the accessory structures of … Read more

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When searching for the best online casinos in Austria, stands out as a reliable and comprehensive resource. This website is dedicated to offering detailed reviews and expert insights into various online casinos, ensuring that players have access to the most reputable and exciting gaming options available. At, you can find an extensive list … Read more


Using the same company as in Task 1.3, students must submit a PDF report analysing the internal business environment and its long-term strategic goals and initiatives. company:  HomeLight – file below 

marketing ppt

Assignment (ppt) and 5-minute video. You will be required to complete a Pizzeria’s marketing plan by including content from units 6-9. Your presentation should include Promotional Mix, Commerce Media, Pricing Strategy, Sustainability Initiative, and ROI. all necessary files below

video presentation

Description: Students must submit a PowerPoint presentation with the link to the video presentation using the PESTLE framework and Porter’s 5 forces analysis for a real company selected: company: HomeLight – files below …

final transformation

Assessment type: Written assignment  Description: Apply theoretical frameworks and practical insights of the Transformational Change Management course to a real-world organization of their choice. files below

task 7

brand is: Jaguar the car company Description: Create a media mix for the assigned brand. The media mix need to include traditional media and digital media (2 of each). Justify your decision and the coverage and reach of the campaign.

PDF report

Analyze and compare the activity of YOUR ASSIGNED BRAND + 1 of its main competitors in 3 social media mainstream platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest…). Please prepare a presentation that covers the following elements of analysis: a) Confirm the actual presence of the 2 brands in the 3 selected platforms, and … Read more


  Read the case study on pp. 454-455 of the textbook and Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508. Then answer the following questions: Hays already had a contract with Mr. Ions preventing disclosure of trade secrets. What could Hays have done, if anything, to prevent disclosure of their information on LinkedIn? Investigate several at least 3 websites … Read more