Book Study

  Each student will be responsible for reading the book (The Mis-Education of the Negro) by Dr. Carter Goodwin Woodson.  The student will make a presentation (PowerPoint, google slides, etc.) concerning the book.  This study should include: An Overview. A brief description of each chapter. A final reflection. If the book is still relevant today … Read more

case study

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

Board Diversity

Go to the SEC website, and select DEF 14A (Proxy) statements filed in 2018 and 2023 for the selected list of public companies.  Read the Diversity Policy, as it relates to the Board of Directors, in the proxy statements. Required:  Answer the questions below based on what you find in the Proxy Statements. (a) What … Read more

Nursing Assignment: Practicum journal

  Assignment: Practicum journal  WRITE ON THIS DIAGNOSIS BELOW AND ELABORATE: THE DX IS Interstitial cystitis Practicum Journal Continue documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal. Reflect on your Practicum Experiences and relate them to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills that you identified in Week 10.

Non-audit Fees

What can you say about changes in non-audit fees between 2000 and 2003? What do you think explains such changes? Do you see any patterns in such changes? That is, does the non-audit fee change more for certain types of firms (e.g., small clients versus large clients, clients in certain industries, clients with certain auditors, … Read more

Audit Committee Financial Experts

Will the presence of “audit committee financial experts” make a difference in terms of financial reporting quality? Why or why not? If yes, should all audit committee directors be “financial experts”? In your opinion, who should be designated an “audit committee financial expert?” Do you expect differences based on different types of experts (i.e., someone … Read more

Comments on the SEC’s Proposed Rule titled “Strengthening the Commission’s Requirements Regarding Auditor Independence”

Comments on the SEC’s Proposed Rule titled “Strengthening the Commission’s Requirements Regarding Auditor Independence” are available here: to an external site. You can see comments by various firms, groups, and individuals, including each of the Big 4, the second-tier and other audit firms.  Read the submissions of  (a) Deloitte  (b) Ernst & Young (c) … Read more

Howie’s Cafe Capers

b. Provide a narrative explanation of how it will help prove embezzlement. Explain how Becky will attempt to refute these arguments Notes: Hello I have attached the entire case, and the net worth and income from unkwon sources analysis . Please, note that I only need answer for the Part 2 letter b. question above.

Audience Analysis Survey

Analyze the attached survey by exploring what the data tell you about your topic and peers, and discuss the following questions: •What were the most helpful things you learned about your survey participants/potential audience members that will help you prepare the right type of content for your speech? Why were these most helpful? • What … Read more

Task 2: Applies Systems Thinking

Intro: In this task, use the case study from the attached document. You will analyze the case study using the tool from Section 2 (systems archetypes tool) to draw conclusions about a system’s relationships, connections, properties, and subsystems. Choose one of the systems archetypes to help you understand the problems in the case study. You … Read more