Sanders HRM 3303 Unit 1 PP

Per the textbook, compensation can come in the form of financial returns, tangible services, and benefits. The two types of compensation are direct and indirect. Direct consists of pay for work performed. Indirect consists of the perks and benefits associated with the position/employment.

Williams BBA 3210 Unit 7

Ted Brown and Jim Green have been discussing going into business together for several months, and they are anxious to start that business before the end of this month. However, both Ted Brown and Jim Green each have to be out of town for several weeks on other business, so Ted Brown has told his … Read more

Williams BBA 3651 Unit 6 Assignment

Using the CSU Online Library, locate a peer-reviewed article that discusses how leaders must have a vision when leading an organization globally. Topic ideas include visionary leadership, global leadership, and international leadership. Note that these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of research used within organizations.

Unit II Discussion

Recently, there was legal activity regarding Twitter and web postings. People such as Tiffany Dehen, Rep. Devin Nunes, and Meghan Murphy have taken a stand to complain about being bullied and mocked on Twitter. These lawsuits are alleging slander and libel against people who posted comments that targeted individuals and businesses. Discuss at least one … Read more