
Choose one of the subsections of “Leadership Defined” (p. 24) in Ch. 1 of Leadership: Theory and Practice and describe how that subsection aligns with your identified high score from the “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in this week’s first discussion.


The concept of leadership is complex and has many dimensions. Some people perceive leadership as: A trait or ability A skill or behavior A relationship or process How you perceive leadership influences how you practice leadership. Complete the self-scoring “Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire” in Ch. 1 (p. 47) of Leadership: Theory and Practice.


Define your professional brand. Explain how you will fulfill your responsibility as a scholar, practitioner, and leader. Summarize how this course has impacted your expectations for pursuing your DHA


You are responsible for leadership development in your health care organization. List 3 strategies for leadership development. Provide a rationale for each strategy. Consider the elements of your leadership development plan.


frame a research question, and then briefly explain why the topic interests you and how you might operationalize a study (who, what, when, and where) to answer the research question. 2. Describe a recent situation from your work or personal experience that might be improved with more research.  Write a research question. Select an approach … Read more


As a health care administrator, you have been assigned responsibility for creating a governing board for the health care organization you are leading. Describe the characteristics and experience you are looking for in acquiring board members. Explain the specific skills and abilities needed to govern effectively.

Healthcare administrative roles and responsibilities

Health care administration is a complex process. The primary function of health care administrators is to keep the system operating effectively. As a scholar, practitioner, and leader in health care administration, you will be responsible for all functional aspects of your organization or health care setting. Research differing health care organizations or settings.   Select 2 settings that … Read more


Describe the key elements of the Triple Aim. Explain how this differs from the proposed Quadruple Aim. Discuss 1 of the elements you are incorporating in your professional practice.  Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might … Read more


a reflective and applied statement describing how the material has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. This statement should reflect your personal learning process (challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, and interactions). You may also include questions for your faculty member about material that may still be unclear. Ideally, you will use these … Read more

Health Care as a Business.

As we all know, health care in the United States is very expensive. Often, this expense is explained by the fact that health care is a business. Consider the various types of health care organizations and the role of the health care administrators within differing health care settings. Describe the primary types of health care organizations.  Explain … Read more