
  What is the connectionist model? Think about a time when you had to learn new information, whether in class or at a job. How does this model help to explain your ability to learn new information?

Strategies for Encoding, Retention, and Retrieval

 that will allow you to be eligible for your next job promotion, but you are having difficulties remembering all the different terms and what they mean. Also, you have found that some of the terms are similar, so they are difficult to differentiate from each other. As you are determining strategies to enhance the effectiveness … Read more


  identify 2 important contributions to the development of the field of cognitive psychology. According to Ramos De Jesus Pereira (2016), Mackintosh (1997) argues for the importance of associative processes in human learning. Mackintosh provides a critical summary of the current standing of major issues in associative learning theory and makes a case for the important … Read more


phencyclidine (PCP) (“angel dust”) © Cengage   Select and discuss one of the commonly abused drugs mentioned in Ch. 14 of your textbook. What new information did you learn that stood out to you on this specific drug? Explain your stance on the pros and cons of current drug intervention programs and the legalization of … Read more

Stress-Related Disorders

  Everyone experiences stress, and it can be caused by positive or negative events. Depending on how an individual experiences and interprets stress, certain biological and biochemical changes occur in the brain and body. In this assignment, you research and analyze these effects of stress.   that you work as an assistant to a psychologist. … Read more


  It can be argued that short-term exposure to stress is adaptive and can increase positive performance. Long-term exposure to stress, on the other hand, is considered maladaptive, yet common, in our society. Consider and research the physiological functioning of stress.   Describe how stress responses can be adaptive and how this type of stress … Read more

Summative Assessment: Functions of the Human Nervous and Endocrine Systems

  you work for a neuropsychologist with patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease. You have been asked to educate the patients and their family members about the diseases.    Select either Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease as your topic, and research information about the disease.    Describe the disease.  Describe … Read more


  Why would evolution have enabled blind mole rats to synchronize their suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) activity to light, even though they cannot see well enough to make use of the light?  Describe the stages of sleep. During which part of a night’s sleep is REM most common?  Unlike adults, infants alternate between short waking periods … Read more

Functions of the Endocrine System

 you are employed at a local nonprofit agency and belong to an online community of people who work in the field of mental health. In a blog space, you are interested in sharing information on a particular disease that is related to the endocrine system function.   Select and research a disease or disorder related to … Read more