System Decision support

 Based on the two screen shots attached, please explain any association except the ones identified in the  instruction available in the recorded video. Also, explain how you can use that association to improve  the sale and profitability of the company. [The screen shots are in the next 2 pages] Points will be given based on … Read more

“Shooting Guns: It’s Rather Fun, Actually”

Begin by reading “Shooting Guns: It’s Rather Fun, Actually,” on pp. 544-545.  Although the author apparently comes to see some gun owners and users in a (more) sympathetic light based on their own experience at the shooting range, there are no kind words for the National Riffle Association (NRA).  How does the author use polling … Read more


See the problem below. Please make sure to add all the formulas and answer each part in problem#1 and develop the tee with their decision and chance nodes for problem#2. Thanks, Problem # 1 How much will an employee’s portfolio be worth after working for the company 30 years more? The Human Resource department at … Read more


 Topic: Kids and social media A local social service agency has asked you to create a pamphlet to educate the community about an issue related to Child Development. Using research put together an informational guide about any issue that has to do with Child Development.  Prepare a pamphlet  Start off by introducing the issue. Give … Read more


Confidence Intervals-Statistics and Probability To produce a successful project you must: Background: For this assignment, you will use a StatCrunch file containing the survey results dating back to 2004 for two questions from the GPSS. The first asks, “In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?” If … Read more

discussion for 321

Hello. Using the Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto from the 4/16 lecture (AgileScrum.pptx in the Lectures folder), please answer the following: What type of role and work setting do you hope to work in after you complete your collegiate studies? Which one of the 12 Agile Principles would be your first choice in adapting towards … Read more

HW_321_Epics & User Stories

Hello. Using the Epics & User Stories material from the 4/16 lecture (AgileScrum.pptx in theI attachment below), please answer the following: What type of role and employer do you hope to work in after you complete your collegiate studies (eg your position & the entity)? What products or services are provided by this employer? Who … Read more

Assignment 300 words

 Select one network scanning software tool (there is a list in your required reading slides) and explain in detail how it works and how detects network vulnerabilities. Provide the site where you obtained your information and include that in your assignment write-up. 

week 13

In 3 to 4 paragraphs describe some of examples on Social Engineering, how they are used – which ones are successful – Play the role of a hacker, what method would you choose if you were going to engage in Social Engineering?

Mobile -4

  “Interactive Design involves understanding users, developing prototypes, and evaluating and refining the product in a participative manner” (Jones and Marsden). Can you give an example of  a) where you KNOW this was done, or  b) where you THINK  this was done, or  c) where you think this was NOT done…and that was a problem? … Read more