Remote work

The remote workplace has become common throughout all industries, and as such, presents new challenges for cybersecurity professionals and new opportunities for bad actors. Moving a workforce to a remote work scenario requires that current security policies be adjusted to consider remote work-specific attack vectors and associated vulnerabilities. Create a 10- to 12-slide digital presentation … Read more

Discussion #3

As you can imagine, there is an open question about morality in business ethics. Before you enter this discussion have look at this quick article from Forbes: “Does Morality Matter in Managing Businesses?” Links to an external site. Instructions: So does morality matter in business and who’s morality is relevant or central to the business decision … Read more

Force Field Analysis

  1. Identify a problem or gap in your agency’s provision of services to clients or constituent groups. How would you go about gaining information regarding this organizational problem? 2. Who would you want to talk to? What are some other sources of information that might be helpful to you in obtaining data? 3. How … Read more

MBA discussion 1

Instructions: What are the responsibilities of business? Are there companies you can name whose social responsibility actions you admire and trust? What do they do that inspires you? Are there companies you can name whose social responsibility actions you would not trust, or even doubt Which companies are they, and why do they fail to … Read more

clinical condition discussion

Clinical Condition Discussion Assignment 5555 unread replies.5656 replies. Clinical Condition Discussion Assignment Post on the clinical condition that you selected earlier in the semester (remember, you cannot present on the same condition as a classmate).  Post your assignment directly on this discussion board (not as an attachment). Do not copy exactly from sources or do … Read more


  She presents with coughing and wheezing which she stated started about three weeks ago. She is currently 25 weeks pregnant.    Diagnose the patient based on the above findings 

him1000 discussion career interest

Module 1: Lesson 5 – Discussion: Career Interest No unread replies.No replies. Instructions: Read this article: IG 101: The Role of HIM ProfessionalsLinks to an external site. Complete Exercise 2-1: Careers from Chapter 02: Health Information Management Professionals in your textbook. Tailor your career choice using information from the AHIMA Career MapLinks to an external … Read more


 Just as you have in previous practicum courses, for this Assignment, you assess where you are now in your clinical skill development and make plans for this practicum. Specifically, you will identify strengths and opportunities for improvement regarding the required practicum skills. In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep assessment and diagnostic reasoning in mind.  


 Explain challenges associated with balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders. Propose effective strategies to manage conflicts that arise when multiple stakeholders have opposing opinions. Explain (Use personal anecdotes if relevant).   Evaluators represent tremendous diversity in terms of educational and professional backgrounds. What are the advantages and disadvantages of diversity to the field of program evaluation? 


Assume an organization is facing a labor surplus. What would be the organization’s consideration for downsizing? Identify why it would be in their best interest to use an alternative method other than downsizing to reduce this surplus? Explain how this alternative method may affect employee behaviors.