Nursing homework

Develop an infographic that you might use to counsel a client about nutritional guidelines. You can choose to develop the infographic for counseling a healthy individual with the goal of maintaining a healthy weight and prevention of disease OR you can choose to develop the infographic for counseling an individual with a specific disease entity … Read more

Nursing homework

Select one of the following ethical topics and share your insights:  Informed Consent  When collecting health data, obtaining informed consent from individuals is crucial. How can we ensure that individuals fully understand the implications of sharing their health information?   Are there challenges in obtaining meaningful consent, especially in the context of rapidly evolving technologies?  Privacy … Read more

Nursing Homework

Do nurses’ personal health behaviors impact their health promotion practice with clients? Why or why not? How are your personal health behaviors an asset to you in health education of clients? 

Nursing Homework

Choose one of the dimensions of patient and family-centered care from the book (textbox 4.3) and discuss how the professional nurse can best adhere to the domain. You must support your discussion with evidence.

Nursing Homework

Adapt the concept map that you developed in the last module to now show the interrelationship between functional health patterns and functional, potentially dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional categories of behavior for the family. Use lines, shapes, and color creativity to show the relationships. Review the scoring rubric before you begin your work. 

Nursing Homework

Please answer the following questions pertaining to the scenario. Use the references above or other scholarly resources to augment your discussions.  Review the case scenario above and the associated referenced resources. Pay particular attention to the MD Anderson Cancer Center sepsis algorithm.  Select and research a different clinical issue. (DO NOT USE SEPSIS AS YOUR … Read more

Nursing Homework

Develop a concept map showing the interrelationship between functional health patterns and functional, potentially dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional categories of behavior for the individual. Use lines, shapes, and color creativity to show the relationships. Review the scoring rubric before you begin your work. 

Nursing Homework

Reflect on these possible barriers and opportunities:  The new system must be fully implemented in 2 years.  The hospital has a very small IT department and a modest budget.  The new EHR (whether upgraded or new) requires larger servers, new devices, central monitors, printers, and tablets.  The wireless infrastructure must be upgraded to eliminate known … Read more

Nursing homework

  Discuss the role of a registered nurse in quality control and creating a culture of patient safety. Discuss at least one (1) of the following quality control organizations and their purpose: The Joint Commission (TJC)= sentinel event reporting, core measures, national patient safety goals, medication reconciliation Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)= hospital … Read more

Nursing Homework

Although your facility has a state-of-the-art electronic health record (EHR), it lacks specific functionality to address the needs of emergency department (ED) care. In the interest of patient safety and to integrate emergency department activities into the EHR, your team has been tasked to explore the following four options:   implement and integrate a triage system;   … Read more