Research Utilization & EBP

The post must be at least 150 words excluding the references list. References:  APA format 7th ed.  Three current references (not more than five years old, unless classic research or updated clinical guidelines).  No consumer websites. Gray, J.R. & Grove, S. K., (2021). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of … Read more


Name five different types of disabilities. Five disabilities that come to mind are: Mental Health like someone with depression, anxiety, Intellectual disability with down syndrome, dementia, Learning disabilities like ADHD, dyslexia. Physical Disability like someone in a wheelchair due to spinal cord injury or lower extremity amputations. Sensory disabilities, like someone with a previous stroke, … Read more

Musculoskeletal AJ

Respond to post with 1 reference and ask a question at the end. As a nurse practitioner how would you evaluate a patient with a possible sprain or fracture? Most foot fractures involve metatarsal shaft fractures that are characterized by some amount of focal pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight (Bica et al., 2016). Therefore, … Read more

Substance Abuse SH response

Respond to post with 2 references APA 7th edition 2 paragraphs Substance Abuse/Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) a. Discuss four factors that contribute to alcohol use disorder. Four factors that contribute to alcohol use disorder may include family, environmental, personal choice, and genetics. Although the exact etiology of alcohol use disorder remains unknown, susceptibility to the … Read more


EACH question needs reference 7th edition What are some social determinants of health that contribute to the higher rates of bullying among LGBTQ+ high school students, and how can FNPs address these factors? How can mental health screenings and counseling services help reduce the long-term mental health impacts of bullying on LGBTQ+ students? What role … Read more

Substance Abuse

EACH question needs reference APA 7th edition a. Discuss four factors that contribute to alcohol use disorder. b. Describe two interventions that APRN can implement towards the treatment of alcohol use disorder. c. What roles does society play in the population of alcohol use disorders? d. Identify the barriers to treatment of alcohol use disorder.

Advocacy Letter JW

Respond with 2 references APA 7th edition  Dear JB Pritzker, My name is student and I am a resident of Chicago,Illinois I am writing to advocate for Medicaid expansion in our city. As a medical social worker, I witness firsthand the struggles many of our neighbors face in accessing essential healthcare due to lack of … Read more

Advocacy Letter SJ

Respond to letter about the layout of the letter. Add detail evidence based practice to agree or disagree with points. 4 APA 7th edition references to support Dear Representative Theresa Mah, My name is SJ, a registered nurse, and I’m writing to you to ask that you help pass Illinois Bill HB3328, a bill that … Read more

Annotated Bibliography 2

Utilize the objective selected from health People 2030 and provide citations that focus on interventions eliminating health disparities and/or correcting negative influences of social determinants of health. Objective: Increase the proportion of adults with major depressive episodes (MDEs) who receive treatment MHMD-05 Description/Summary Critique/Evaluation of Individual Articles Proposed Diagnosis/Intervention Conclusion paragraph that compares the strengths/weaknesses … Read more

Annotated Bibliography

utilize the objective selected from health People 2030 and provide citations that focus on interventions eliminating health disparities and/or correcting negative influences of social determinants of health.