Talks about the role of these three paragraph in their passages

Talks about the role of these these three paragraphs in their essays and what they want to convey.

1.In the last century and a half, the American citizen has been defined over against the Asian immigrant, legally, economically, and culturally. (The Power of Culture; second paragraph at page 3)

2.His history included his childhood, education, summer jobs, sweet relationships. My history was blackouts one through five. My character was just as much on trial as his character, my behavior, my composure, my likability, were also being evaluated. But there was nothing to suggest that I was a person extracted from a full life surrounded by people who cared about me.(Know My Name: A Memoir ;third paragraph at page 193)

Link for this paragraph is:,+education,+summer+jobs,+sweet+relationships.+My+history+was+blackouts+one+through+five.+My+character+was+just+as+much+on+trial+as+his+character,+my+behavior,+my+composure,+my+likability,+were+also+being+evaluated.+But+there+was+nothing+to+suggest+that+I+was+a+person+extracted+from+a+full+life+surrounded+by+people+who+cared+about+me.&source=bl&ots=fP_19o1AqL&sig=ACfU3U1w7IRCs8fiOzg27QB1j6r8-yJO_Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8ze6K47XvAhUfKzQIHcm0ANYQ6AEwAXoECAQQAw#v=onepage&q=His%20history%20included%20his%20childhood%2C%20education%2C%20summer%20jobs%2C%20sweet%20relationships.%20My%20history%20was%20blackouts%20one%20through%20five.%20My%20character%20was%20just%20as%20much%20on%20trial%20as%20his%20character%2C%20my%20behavior%2C%20my%20composure%2C%20my%20likability%2C%20were%20also%20being%20evaluated.%20But%20there%20was%20nothing%20to%20suggest%20that%20I%20was%20a%20person%20extracted%20from%20a%20full%20life%20surrounded%20by%20people%20who%20cared%20about%20me.&f=false

3.I was scared of her like no dark corners could ever scare me. You have to know that all the while she was teaching us history she was telling, with her language for the deaf, blind and dumb; she was telling all boys in our class that I was Pearl and my last name was Harbor. They understood her like she was speaking French and their names were all Claude and Pierre. I felt it in the lower half of my stomach, and it throbbed and throbbed until I thought even you sitting three rows away could hear it. (Racial Melancholia, Racial Dissociation;first paragraph at page 56)