Target Market

PART ONE: Complete the discussion board post using the instructions provided below. USE 300 WORDS

Please respond to the following:
    Describe the target market for your chosen company, whether it’s based the snack food company scenario or a start-up company of your choosing. Be sure to include the following:
o    Demographic Description: Age, income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, et cetera.
    Example: A likely user for X product is a male aged 2534 who earns between $35,000 and $55,000 per year and has a four-year college degree.
o    Geographic Description: Area you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, et cetera), climate condition.
    Example: Atlanta.
o    Lifestyle Description: Where do your customers shop, what do they do for leisure, what kind of clothes do they wear, what type of cars do they drive, et cetera?
o    Psychographic Description: How would you describe your target market, for example, socially responsible, trendsetters, or fun-seeking?
o    Purchasing Pattern Description: How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?
o    Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. packaging, et cetera)?
Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.
    Textbook Chapter 7, Target Market,” pages 105122, provides additional detail about this topic.
    You will revise this weeks discussion post as part of your work on the Week 5 assignment, Marketing Plan and Budget.
Note: Start your response with a brief description of your business (no more than 3 sentences). Specify your company name, what business you are in, and the specific product(s) or service (s) you plan to sell.

PART TWO: Respond to the below post about the same topic. Please respond with a substantive posting using 150 words offering advice and opinion on their posting to further discussion.

304 Supply Co. is a provider of crafting supplies with a focus on a robust line of tee shirts, including crew, bleached, v-neck, and polyester blends. We focus on supplying blank shirts for home crafters and small businesses. 

Demographic Description: Age, income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, et cetera.

Our target customer is women between the ages of 18-40 who have disposable income, children, and include stay at home moms and small business owners. 

Geographic Description: Area you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, et cetera), climate condition.

The tri-state area of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, including cities such as Pittsburgh, Akron, Cleveland, and Wheeling.

Lifestyle Description: Where do your customers shop, what do they do for leisure, what kind of clothes do they wear, what type of cars do they drive, et cetera?

Our customers will likely shop at larger crafting stores such as Michaels and Hobby Lobby, like DIY projects, wear comfortable yet trendy clothing. 

Psychographic Description: How would you describe your target market, for example, socially responsible, trendsetters, or fun-seeking?

Our customers will like to save money by designing and creating DIY and crafting projects. They will include moms that like to go above and beyond for their kids to personalize everything and make them unique shirts. 

Purchasing Pattern Description: How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?

Our customers will be buying the products monthly or more frequently.  They will buy several times purchasing the product either in store, through our Facebook group, or on our website for shipping or in-store pickup.  They will pay with card, cash or invoice for small businesses. 

Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. packaging, et cetera)?

Our customers are concerned about price quality and expertise of our employees to recommend the best type of shirt and offer advice on their projects.