Task: Here are the steps to take when completing this assignment 1. Read the research article once through, to get a general outline of the research study. 2. Re-read the research article, while answe

Task: Here are the steps to take when completing this assignment1. Read the research article once through, to get a general outline of the research study.2. Re-read the research article, while answering the questions in the assignment. 

Article reference (in APA format)

1. What is the point of the study? What was its purpose or its aim? In other words, why was thestudy conducted?2. What specific type of research study is it? Is it a case study or in-depth interviews? Is it observational? Is it a survey? Is it an experiment? How do you know?

3. What are the study’s hypotheses? What do they expect/predict to find? Or, is there nohypothesis? If not, why not?

4. What are the study’s key variables? How are they being operationally defined? In otherwords, how specifically are they measured or manipulated? Make sure to include all relevantvariables!

5. What are the key findings of the study? Do they support the hypotheses? Make sure toreport all findings directly relevant to the research question.

6. What conclusions do the researchers draw from their study? Are those conclusions valid orjustified?