TCOM 3302c/d Grant Proposal Assignment

Write a research proposal for a feasibility report. The audience is whoever will be funding your research. This will be an unsolicited proposal and can be either an internal or an external report. You must convince someone that a problem exists and that he or she should fund your research to discover a solution.

N.B.: You are asking someone for money to look into a problem (the big report). You do not need to come up with a solution to that problem yet. Your task here is convince your audience to FUND YOUR RESEARCH. Add an abstract at the beginning of your proposal.

Use the form in Markel’s Structure section (pp. 428-35 [10th 449-56]). Include the following items:

1. Summary(Abstract)

2. Introduction (give background about your problem here)

3. Proposed Program (this is NOT your solution!–save that for your big rpt. . . .

Instead, here talk about your problem and your plan for researching it. Include:

Methods–how you’ll look into it . . . and . . .

Resources–what items you’ll need to do your rsch.– for instance, office space, library budget,

a staff asst., perhaps a new computer, paper, ink, etc.)

4. Qualifications and Experience (why you are the best person to look into this problem)

5. Budget (be detailed/specific; be realistic about costs–this is where dollar amounts should go)

6. appropriate Appendices (include a Task Schedule here; a References sect. is not necessary)

Set the proposal up as a report, not as a memo. (It will be double spaced.) Your proposal will be similar to the sample on pp.436-42 [10th 457-62], but keep in mind that some sections will differ, since you are writing a grant proposal. Note that the sample does not follow the order listed above.

For grading criteria, refer to the writer’s checklist on p. 443 [10th 463]. You will also be responsible for having narrowed your topic sufficiently and for addressing a real-world problem with cost-benefit analysis.

–Length will vary, depending on amount

of preliminary research and other considerations (Avg.= 6-7 pp.)