Technical report for enhancing business process + presentation

I want technical report for survey business process enhancement.

to moving from field research to online research.

and you can know the sections I need from the attached pdf.

please use the two process flow I attached.

I need it in 8 to 10 pages + presentation

problem and motivation:

because field research if we want to cover all cities in the country it will led to travel cross the country and train all the field researchers which cost the organization lot of money.

and it will require huge numbers of researchers and tablets for each one of them to visit the houses and fill the surveys. which also cost a lot of money and need very restricts and huge numbers of supervisors to guide them ,coach them and monitor their progress.

field researcher can cover only 15-20 family only each day so if the samples he has 300 he will need 20 days to cover the sample so it is a very slow progress.

also one of the main problem the researcher need internet sim card and sometimes in some area the coverage is not good this is causing the researcher to stop and can’t complete his sample or cause him to lost his way and don’t know where is the right location for this family.

the proposed solution is:

to let the family representor to receive  SMS message has description for the survey and url for it to fill it by himself if he didn’t fill it with in 3 days he receive reminder message. and if he didn’t fill it in 5th day science the first message the call center will call him and ask him the survey question and fill it from their side.

this process enhancement is solving many issues like no need to travel cross the country only centralized training needed and centralized team from call center and quality control team.

it will reduce the cost and speedup the process cause the call center can fill from 50-70 survey each day.


the cost reduced about 80% and the time to complete the sample target by 50%.

and family satisfaction is increased due to calling them in their free time and no one pother them by knocking theirs door.