Technology Trends Proposal


Select one of the technology trends identified in the Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part 1 assignment and research the privacy risks, security safeguards, and strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the technology selected. 

Write at least a 700-word summary describing the privacy risks, security safeguards, and strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the technology selected in the Week 2 Technology Trends Proposal Part l assignment. Your response must address all aspects of each question, must include your personal opinions, ideas, or thoughts; and must provide examples in any situation where it is warranted.

Provide 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment and cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Format your summary according to APA guidelines. 


 Telemedicine, Optical imagery for diagnosing disease, Electronic health records, Telehealth, Video translation services, Dictation services (e.g., Dragon NaturallySpeaking), Medical equipment, Health care robots, Neural engineering, Intelligent mobile devices, National health care information network,