
This is a communication and media class. It is an introductory class on TVs, Newspapers, Radios, etc.

The paper is about Televisions (TV).

First there has to be an introduction that includes setting the tone of the paper, idea/objective, background, and a thesis statement.

Then a paragraph that defines television (TV’s) from a scholarly source.

Then one or two paragraphs about the history of televisions.

Then one or two paragraphs about its current trends and developments.

and finally, one or two paragraphs about the future outlook on televisions.

All sources used must be scholarly sources and one of them needs to be the McGraw Hill textbook “Intro to Mass Communication” 11th edition. If not possible to access the book then no need. But you will still have to use 3 other scholarly article and have a works cited page at the end. Also, there must be in-text citation.

There must be 3 pages of writing and an extra separate page for the works cited.

Double spaced, Times New Roman, Font size: 12