Terrorist Event

In Unit VII, you will submit a research paper based on a terrorist event that has happened in history. You will identify the event and research the environmental, political, economic, and sociological impact of the event and the response at all levels of government. Your research will include identifying the type of response partners and agencies involved with the response and recovery of the event and outlining the after actions and lessons learned from the event.

To prepare for that upcoming assignment, this unit will have you begin researching articles and identify your chosen event. Your instructor will provide feedback on the topic that you select for your research paper. Your assignment for this unit is to write a brief paragraph that identifies a selected terrorist event and then to create an annotated bibliography for two research articles from the Waldorf Online Library that you plan to use in your future paper. You should select sources that meet the criteria below.

Discuss the domestic terrorist event.
Provide information about the critical infrastructure that was impacted and how the role of protecting this infrastructure was forever changed due to this event.
Discuss the national strategies for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as it relates to this event. If your event occurred prior to the development of the DHS, discuss what strategies were likely developed as a reaction to the
event you selected.