thank you for my last assignment Hi i have this assignment that’s due on Wednesday night 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Wednesday of Unit 6 Points: 1

thank you for my last assignment 

Hi i have this assignment that’s due on Wednesday night

2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Wednesday  of Unit 6 Points: 100 Overview: The surge of internet usage and digital technology has led to the rise of various social media platforms. Marketers are now riding the social media wave to engage consumers. Instructions: There are 2 parts to this assignment: 1. Select a brand (i.e. Nike, Walmart, Coca Cola, etc.) that you frequently use. 2. Compare their social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) to their other digital and traditional marketing channels (TV, website, eMail). Please address the following: • List the number of current followers they have on 3 of the major social media platforms they are utilizing. 25% of grade • How do they leverage the use of influencers to promote their brand? 25% of grade • In your opinion, and assuming a $1 mil ad spend, what percentage should be spent on: 25% of grade o Social media o Other digital & traditional • One-paragraph summary of concluding thoughts & opinions 25% of grade Requirements: • A one-page Word document with your name, title of assignment & date in the footer 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • Proper college-level grammar is required. APA format, including any in-text citations. Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. Evaluation Rubric for Unit 6 Assignment CRITERIA Need Improvement Average Very Good Excellent 0-11 Points 12-15 Points 16-17 Points 18-20 Points Brand Introduction Brand introduction not submitted. Brand introduction partially submitted. N/A Brand introduction submitted. Number of followers Number of followers not submitted. Number of followers partially submitted. Number of followers submitted. Explanation of Leverage of Influencers Explanation of leverage of Influencers not submitted. Explanation of leverage of Influencers partially submitted. N/A Explanation of leverage of Influencers submitted. Percentages of Ad Spend Percentages of ad spend not submitted. Percentages of ad spend partially submitted. N/A Percentages of ad spend submitted. Summary Summary is missing or poorly presented. Summary is present but missing key details. Summary is present but missing minor details. Summary is thoughtfully addressed and all details included Length Less than 1 page. N/A N/A At least 1 page. 0-5 Points 6-7 Points 8 Points 9-10 Points Grammar Paper is appropriate for college-level work. Paper exhibits some evidence of college-level grammatical elements and APA citation methods. Paper exhibits good use of grammatical elements and APA citation methods. Paper exhibits skilled use of grammatical elements. The content displays skilled use of APA 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CRITERIA Need Improvement Average Very Good Excellent citation methods.