thank you letter for my mum

Write a formal thank you letter. It could be to a family member, a friend, a pet, a plant, a tree, a cloud, chocolate, elephants, paper…or anyone or anything else you want it to be to. Be extravagant/effusive in your thanks. Be as silly or serious in your appreciation as you want. You do not actually have to give the letter to them, but that might be a nice thing to do.

A formal letter includes:
A greeting (ex. Dear Bobby,)
A paragraph detailing who you are and why you are writing to them (ex. I am Billy, your student in your Thursday evening crochet class. I wanted to write to you today to….)
A paragraph explaining the important part of your message (in this case, the actual thanks and the reasons for the thanks) [ex. Last Thursday’s class on how to crochet elephant trunks was fantastic. I really appreciated you teaching us how to…]
A closing paragraph explaining what you want to be the result of the letter. Do you want them to feel appreciated? Continue their actions? Be remembered forever?
A sign-off (ex. Sincerely, Billy-your fan for always.)