The Case Assignment for this course will be a 5-8 page essay


The Case Assignment for this course will be a 5-8 page essay (excluding cover page and references) submitted using MS Word. I have attached the instructions of the paper in order. Please focus on answering all the questions regarding purpose, population, sampling frame, minimizing error, and survey administration. I have attached the coursework for the class (MODULE 1 4) to show allow you to understand my planned survey research topic. PLEASE READ THE COURSEWORK ATTACHMENT BUT I aim to conduct research that focuses on personality disorder and the effects of this type of disorder on the personal and professional lives of the individuals that have been diagnosed with a personality disorder.

Due to the fact that there are a plethora of personality disorders that can be diagnosed, this research that will be conducted will be narrowed down to a specific personality disorder which will allow for improved research sampling. The personality disorder that will be investigated is that of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) where its effects in the workplace and the other relationships of an individual that has been diagnosed with this disorder will also be concentrated on to identify the different aspects of life that are affected by NPD.