The Childhood Space 2


The Childhood Space

 The Childhood Space


Find three objects that are representative of toys or things you would have played with as a very young child. Set aside twenty minutes to listen to the audio guide and write a 250-word, minimum response to your experience to the exercise and post in the Discussion Board for the exercise. Set a timer for twenty minutes and play with those objects as if you were a child. Do not use any electronic devices, only common, ordinary objects. There will be moments when you become bored, do not stop! Those are the most important moments of the exercise. MAKE SURE YOU DISCUSS YOUR EXPERIENCE WHILE PLAYING AS IF YOU WERE A CHILD!

 Ratings 7 pts

Exceeds expectations

The exercise participant describes moments of becoming engrossed in a “play” activity and reflects on personal connections with their past. Composition and language mechanics are observed in your essay. MAKE SURE YOU DISCUSS YOUR EXPERIENCES WHILE PLAYING AS IF YOU WERE A CHILD!


1. Post a minimum length 250-word essay discussing what you experienced while playing as if you were a young child (7 pt.)

2. Respond with a minimum 25-word post to the Discussion Topic in the Discussion Board for the exercise (1 pt.)

3. Comment on a classmates’ entry with a 25-word minimum length post in the Discussion Board for the exercise (.5 pt.)

4. Comment on a classmates’ entry with a 25-word minimum length post in the Discussion Board for the exercise (.5 pt.)

Discussion Topic: How is a child’s perception superior to an adult’s? Make sure to read the instructions for the exercise before responding