The coding should not match with any other students. There should be No AI, no plagarism and should follow all the necessary steps.

The coding should not match with any other students. There should be No AI, no plagarism and should follow all the necessary steps.

Instructions: Write a program that performs the following steps. 1. Read 3 integers from the user; these numbers represent the lengths of 3 straight lines. The user can enter the line lengths in any order. 2. From the 3 lengths, determine whether a triangle can be formed with the corresponding lines; otherwise inform the user that the lines cannot form a triangle and stop. • To form a triangle where all line endings meet (form vertices), the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than the length of the remaining side. 3. If it is possible to form a triangle, determine whether the triangle is a right triangle or not. • As you know from the Pythagorean theorem: in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. See Pythagoream Theorem for more info. Example outputs: Contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions Programming Assignment #2 Programming Fundamentals I – Summer 2023 Dallas College Notes: The following issues will cause your program to be rejected and a score of 0 to be assigned: 1. Programs with syntax errors. 2. Programs that use language constructs that have not been covered in this course so far.