The concept of culture and its branding

discuss and summarize the main theoretical points off the articles. When writing the memo, do not forget to refer to at least four of the sources ( the two other will be posted below as pdf).

Klein, Naomi 2000. New branded world (Chapter 1). No Logo. London: Flamingo.

Kristn Loftsdttir. 2015. The Exotic North: Gender, Nation Branding and Post-colonialism in Iceland. Nora Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 23(4), 246-260.

Paula Mota Santos (2019) Tourism and the critical cosmopolitanism imagination: The Worst Tours in a European World Heritage city, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 25:9, 943-957, DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2017.1413676

Gotham, Kevin Fox.2007. “(Re) branding the big easy: Tourism rebuilding in post-Katrina New Orleans.” Urban Affairs Review 42, no. 6, 823-850.