The Cost of Capital



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The Stock Valuation and The Cost of Capital (110 points)

Complete the following problems:

  • Problem 11-1: Preferred Stock Valuation
  • Problem 11-2: Common Stock Valuation
  • Problem 11-3: Preferred Stock Valuation
  • Problem 11-4: Growth Rate
  • Problem 11-5: Cost of Preferred Stock
  • Problem 11-6: Cost of Equity
  • Problem 11-7: Cost of Debt
  • Problem 11-8: Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)




  • Chapter 9 in Foundations of Finance – The Cost of  Capital 
  • Bai, H., Hou, K., Kung, H., Li, E. X. N., & Zhang, L.  (2019). . Journal of Financial Economics, 131(2), 269-298. 
  • Badeeb, R. A., & Lean, H. H. (2018). . Energy Economics, 71, 12-139.