The DNP-Prepared Nurse As Educator

How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career? As healthcare presents with an increased complexity it provokes an increased need for the DNP scholar in healthcare (Beeber et al., 2019). As a future DNP scholar, I plan to integrate the knowledge and skills obtained to aid in translating evidence into practice. The translation is critical as the world searches for the best evidence-based research to win the war on COVID 19. Adding value to the community by disseminating knowledge via health fairs and printed information on posters, newspapers, mail, and email.

  • Compare faculty DNP-prepared nurse educator activities to the activities of the clinical DNP-prepared nurse educator in a healthcare organization or to mentoring or education activities of the DNP-prepared healthcare systems leader. McNett et al., (2021) imply that a DNP-prepared nurse training consists of a variety of teaching skills and applying knowledge as it relates to task and decision making. Much of the DNP-prepared nurse educator’s work focuses on ensuring that nurses have the skills and knowledge to function in the healthcare arena. Haghighi et al., (2017) suggest that the DNP-prepared nurse has multiple roles and is not limited to academia in school settings but also in the clinical healthcare arena.

Christiansen & Champion (2018) highlight the role of the clinical DNP-prepared nurse educator. The authors suggest The DNP clinical educator’s primary focus is on the translation of evidence into practice. This is evoked by quality improvement to produce better outcomes. The overarching goal of the DNP-prepared nurse clinical educator is to improve and transform the healthcare system and patient outcomes.

Although notable differences between the DNP-prepared nurse educator and the DNP-prepared clinical educator exist. They both identify evidence-based practice as an integral component of healthcare quality and safety (McNett et al., 2021). They both play a major role in shaping the healthcare system, and providers, and improving patient outcomes.

Part II: For Case Study Students

  • Practice Question in PICOT Format

“For adults with obesity (BMI>30) and prediabetes in a primary care clinic, will the implementation of 2021 ADA guidelines III and motivational interviewing, compared to current practice, impact weight in  8-10 weeks?”

  • What creative solutions can address the barriers and/or optimize the facilitators? You are receiving push-back and resistance from the frontline staff.  Share briefly what you hear from the front lines of nurses as they are doing their best to cope with the current pandemic or another environmental event. How can you lead nurses to cope with these changes? The COVID 19 pandemic has presented many challenges from financial burdens, hospital overcrowding, anxiety, job closure or loss, death, and sickness. Healthcare workers have experienced anxiety at an all-time high as front-line workers. Caring for the ill places them at risk and their loved ones. Healthcare workers have dealt with death and do not have answers on how to combat the deadly virus. As a future DNP scholar, I would collect evidence that supports the safety and low viral transmissions and share it amongst the interdisciplinary teams. Safety would be a priority. I would also arrange for coping mechanisms to translate into practice. Also, suggesting a mental health expert be available and on standby for the needs of staff, patients, and family members.
  • You are continuing to conduct your formative evaluation for intervention fidelity and provide feedback. What are you learning about project implementation? The DNP project manager will utilize a compliance checklist on a week-to-week basis to ensure the intervention has high fidelity. The DNP project manager will continue to support and encourage champions. The project manager realizes the importance of having a team to carry out the project is critical for sustainability. The DNP student will have weekly huddles to meet with the interdisciplinary team to discuss participant’s journals, smartphone activity data, and bi-weekly weigh-in results. The DNP project manager will be available for questions and concerns of team members and participants during bi-weekly zoom meetings.
  • Are there reminders or practice prompts you can develop and provide at this time to support intervention fidelity? If so, what are the reminders or practice prompts and how do you believe they can help? A calendar was downloaded with alerts to each participant’s phone for upcoming meetings and calls. Text messages are sent the night before and a reminder 15 minutes before scheduled events. If physical activity is not noted the Noom app sends alerts to move. During Zoom interaction each participant’s progress is reviewed. Missed meetings do have follow-up makeup dates available to participants who may need them.
  • In your simulated case study project, are you able to collect the data you need? If not, what are the barriers, and what do you need to do to ensure that you will have the data to evaluate the success of the project implementation? Can the data be more easily documented and/or obtained? Currently, an automated system is set up which tracks each participant’s weight, physical activity report, and nutrition journal is downloaded in the EHR. Providers can access information from anywhere. Each participant’s information is protected and HIPPA compliance is carried out throughout the DNP proposed project. Barriers that exist are participants omitting to appear for scheduled meetings and omitting documents in the journal or completing the physical exercise. Education material such as videos and access to ADA guidelines III are available in the participant’s email. A click of a button will grant access to videos and printed material


Beeber, A., Palmer, C., Waldrop, J., Lynn, M. R., & Jones, C. B. (2019). The role of Doctor of Nursing Practice-prepared nurses in practice settings. Nursing Outlook67(4), 354–364.

Christiansen, B.,  & Champion, J. D. (2018). Examining Doctor of Nursing Practice Clinical Competency. Journal for Nurse Practitioners14(5), e93–e100.

Haghighi Moghadam, Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, F., Abbaszadeh, A., & Feizi, A. (2017). Challenges of PhD Graduated Nurses for Role Acceptance as a Clinical Educator: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Caring Sciences6(2), 153–161.

McNett, M.,Masciola, R., Sievert, D., & Tucker, S. (2021). Advancing Evidence‐Based Practice Through Implementation Science: Critical Contributions of Doctor of Nursing Practice‐ and Doctor of Philosophy‐Prepared Nurses. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing18(2), 93–101.