The financial role of the Executive Director in Assisted Living Facility

Pretend you conducted an interview and write 2 pages of the impact of The Executive Director of Assisted Living Facility in the financial management of healthcare. As an Executive Director of Assisted Living facility, her job includes but not limited to oversee the financial management of the facility while working to meet budgetary goals, identifies operational issues, and implements solutions, develop programs and implement changes successfully, implements corrective action when needed to ensure a healthy work environment, ensures the facility adheres to all federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Please make up  reasonable answers for these question in the paper

What financial functions are carried out by you as a manager?
What kind of training did you receive to perform these functions? Was it pre, during, or post this position? In your opinion, what training has been the most valuable?
Are you involved in the relationship between budget requirements and ensuring high-performance outcomes for your department? Ask about negative and positive relationships.
What is the most challenging aspect of your position and where does financial management fit on that list?

Minimum 1 reference and in-text citations.