The fishbone file completed according to ımage I attached.I just ask you to complete asq-fmea file but it must be done according to image(the fishbone file is just an example I fill the blanks with th

The fishbone file completed according to ımage I attached.I just ask you to complete asq-fmea file but it must be done according to image(the fishbone file is just an example I fill the blanks with the informations in the image so fmea file must be completed according to image). 

THIS PART IS LECTURER’s Explanation of homework.

Hello Students, Your midterm homework is to complete (fill-in your process informaton) two quality tools which are attached as documents below. For the homework you are required to: 1. Form groups (maximum 5-6 students if you cannot find a group than you can do the homework alone) 2. Select a process related to manufacturing or service industry some example processes are: Inspection of parts for quality Creating a sales order Assembling a finished product Customer order delivery (service sector) 3. Analyze three steps associated with this process (and failure modes associated with these steps of course) For example if your process is to deliver online customer orders than three failure modes are: 1. Late delivery 2. Incomplete order items delivered or wrong order delivered to wrong customer 3. Order is not delivered to the customer 4. After analyzing the failure modes associated with the process using FMEA tool you are required to complete an Ishikawa (Cause-and-Effect) diagram related to the process. Select the main failure mode (most important) associated with the process as the effect of the Ishikawa diagram. You can select the failure mode with the highest RPN number from the FMEA analysis. After cause-and-effect diagram created next step is to implement a solution to the problem. So in summary you are required to complete 1 FMEA diagram and 1 Cause-and-effect diagram using the failure mode with the highest RPN number in the FMEA analysis. (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is on Page 182 of your textbook. You can also read the example from there) PS: Two example templates are attached to this homework you can use them as a guide as well as book chapters.