1. Based on their positions in the periodic table predict whether each pair ofelements will form an ionic bond (I) covalent bond (C) or neither (N). Theatomic number is given in brackets. [2]a)b)c)d)Gold (79) and platinum (78) ___________Sulfur (16) and chlorine (17) ___________Sulfur (16) and magnesium (12)___________Carbon (6) and bromine (35) ___________2. Sort the following elements into their appropriate group and indicate the chargeof its stable ion: lithium chlorine barium calcium oxygen and iodine. [5]Positively Charged IonsNegatively Charged IonsUse this information to predict the chemical formulas for the following ioniccompounds:a) Lithium chloride: __________b) Calcium iodide: _________c) lithium oxide: ___________d) Barium oxide: __________The Nature of Chemical Bonds – Bond PolarityH:FPretend you are one of the two electrons being shared by a hydrogen atom and afluorine atom. Say for the moment you are centrally located between the twonuclei. You find that both nuclei are attracted to you. Hence because of yourpresence the two nuclei are held together.3. Why are the nuclei of these atoms attracted to you?________________________________4. If you are attracted to both nuclei then what type of chemical bonding is this?____________Periodic Table of the Elements – Electronegativity valuesIST200 Assignment #2 – 201211 5. You are pulled toward the hydrogen nucleus which has a positive charge. Howstrong is this charge from your point of view – what is its electronegativity?__________6. You are also attracted to the fluorine nucleus. What is its electronegativity?_________7. What is the difference between their electronegativities? (subtract) _____________You are being shared by hydrogen and fluorine nuclei. But as a moving electron youhave some choice as to your location.8. Consider the electronegativities you experience from both nuclei. Which nucleuswould you tend to be closest to?_________________Stop pretending you are an electron and observe the hydrogen-fluorine bond fromoutside the molecule. Bonding electrons tend to congregate to one side because ofthe differences in effective nuclear charges . This makes one side slightly negativein character (delta negative) and the opposite side slightly positive (delta positive).Indicate this on the following structure for hydrogen fluoride using the symbols d and d .9. Would you describe hydrogen fluoride as a polar or non polar molecule?____________IST200 Assignment #2 – 201212 10.If two HF molecules were thrown together would they stick or repel? Explainyour answer. [3]11. The difference in the electronegativities of the atoms bonded together is ameasure of the strength of the dipole. Which bond is more polar? A H-F bond ora Na-Cl bond? [4]12.Specify whether the following chemical structures are polar or nonpolar. [6]IST200 Assignment #2 – 201213