the lottery

“The Lottery,” choose one of the prompts below to answer:

Paper Length: 1-3 Pages
Paper Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font
Citation Style: APA; include a Reference page and in-text citations for any sources you quote, paraphrase, or summarize. This is an excellent website for citation generation: (Links to an external site.)

*Note: You will be able to revise your work up to 100% on this assignment*

Prompt A:

Often in literary works, authors choose a physical object which takes on a special significance in the work and becomes a symbol of something beyond itself.  Show how, in the work, the author uses a symbol to convey a deeper meaning.  In your essay, focus on the symbols and what they symbolize.  Be sure to discuss how the author uses them to convey a message to readers.  You may choose up to three important symbols from the short story.

Prompt B:

Duality of Human Nature. Examine the characters as they relate to this theme. Which characters show two sides of humanity? Which characters are seemingly good-natured; however, they show a different side during the events of the lottery. Make sure you have three different characters or three different moments where a character(s) show two sides.