The major sustainability challenge for a company from courier service industry

The goal is to identify a major sustainability challenge facing the company from courier service industry, especially local delivery companies. Research 4-5 existing companies in the industry to assess their sustainability challenges. The idea is to use these case study of companies as background studies for newly created fictional companies.

In order to develop a fictional company, it is expected to do an adequate amount of analytical research of existing companies within courier service industry, and to identify the major sustainability challenges they face. For instance it is necessary to draw ideas from existing companies such as DHL, UPS, FedEx, Singapore Post, CEVA, Royal Mail, etc.
It is necessary to focus on a Sustainability procedural, operational, or mindset issue identified as a matter of business priority; scandals are not accepted.
Inspired on the cases analysed, build a fictional company. This should include sections such as the companys vision and mission; objectives; five key departments within the company and their role in addressing the sustainability challenge identified. (e.g. Marketing, Research and Development (R&D), Finance, Operations, Human Resources); and mid/to long-term strategic plan of the company.

1.    Brief overview of case
Start with a brief overview of the fictional company. This should include sections such as the companys vision and mission; objectives; five key departments within the company and their role in addressing the sustainability challenge identified. (e.g. Marketing, Research and Development (R&D), Finance, Operations, Human Resources); and mid/to long-term strategic plan of the company.  Provide an overview of the case study companies researched, including their sustainability challenges presented as materiality lists or matrices. This should be followed by the new fictional companys sustainability challenges, and then identify the (ONE) most pressing of the challenges you aim to tackle. This should be summarised as a materiality list (materiality matrix).
2. Strategic plan
Propose a strategic plan to improve ONE sustainability challenge identified. Briefly identify the milestones to be achieved. Two or three milestones are enough. Remember to identify which TASKS will have to be accomplished to contribute to each of the identified milestone, how long and specifically when the overall project and each task take place. Justify the tasks identified using general management and sustainability concepts and tools (frameworks, models, metrics, procedures, etc. such as: SMART, or TROPICS, or a Sustainability model such as Silvius and Schippers, or The Phase Model by Dunphy, Griffiths and Benn, or any other model you like) that will be relevant to apply during the planning, implementation and monitoring of each task. Explain how the change will be monitored and evaluated: i.e. the list of the key performance indicators (KPIs) and other measures that will help check the progress of the overall sustainable strategy action plan.
3. Final remarks
Write a relevant set of final remarks, and ideally setting new targets for further developments. for the department/company in the near future.