The Old Man and The Sea

1. Read The Old Man and the Sea document and choose one essay topic.
Note: No, you cannot reuse your essay from the 1st Semester. New essay required.

2. Read the Writing Process Review Document (Extension Projects-Part 1)
3. Complete the Pre-Writng phase (see Writing Process Review)
4. Create a new Google Doc.
5. Write the first draft of your essay. Be sure to follow the 5 Paragraph Essay Outline
6. Consult the Transition Words document. Proofread/edit/revise your first draft.
7. Write the second draft of your essay. Consider having a friend/classmate read over your second draft.
8. Read/review the 5 Paragraph Essay Rubric. Make all necessary adjustments to your essay.
9. Submit your completed essay.

The Old Man and the Sea Essay
Google Docs

FiveParagraphEssayOutlineJuly08_000 (1).pdf

5 Paragraph Essay Rubric.pdf


The Old Man and the Sea Essay Prompt.webm

The Old Man and the Sea Essay Instructions.webm