The team management plan will describe how the team members for the project will be acquired and the length of time they will be needed for the project. The project team is the group of individuals who complete the work for the project and is overseen by

Create a team management plan and a communications management plan for a project you choose. You can use projects from your experience, through research, or by using one of the applicable case studies in the Mastering Project Human Resource Management: Effectively Organize and Communicate with All Project Stakeholders textbook. You will use the same project for both the team management plan and the communications management plan.

*Project Team. A set of individuals who support the project manager in performing the work of the project to achieve its objectives.

*Stakeholder. An individual, group, or organization that may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project, program, or portfolio.

*Team Management Plan. A component of the resource management plan that describes when and how team members will be acquired and how long they will be needed.

*Stakeholder Register. A project document including the identification, assessment, and classification of project stakeholders.

*Communications Management Plan. A component of the project, program, or portfolio management plan that describes how, when, and by whom information about the project will be administered and disseminated.

For this Course Project, you will evaluate, analyze, and apply what you have learned in this course by creating a team management plan and a communications management plan for a project you choose, either through research, experience, or using the case studies from the textbook. The team management plan is due in Week 5 while the communications management plan is due in Week 7. In Week 8, a presentation of the major elements of both the team management plan and the communications management plan is due.

Due weeks (1-5)
The team management plan will describe how the team members for the project will be acquired and the length of time they will be needed for the project. The project team is the group of individuals who complete the work for the project and is overseen by the project manager. Project team members can be part time or full time, depending on the project and the organization. For example, a programmer working on an IT project may also be working on other projects so can dividing time between each project. A carpenter may be full time on a construction project during a specific phase.

!!!!!!!!The Team Management Plan Template (Links to an external site.) is a Microsoft Word document and contains the following

Title Page
Table of Contents
Project Overview
Team Positions
Acquisition of Team Members
Training Needs
Leadership Theories and Models
Motivational Techniques
Team Performance Measures
Conflict Management Strategies
Team Decision Making