the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment

Please answer the following questions in a 3 page expository research paper:

1. How much does international trade affect you personally? Look at any items around your home that you have purchased in the last year. Where were they made? How many were made in America, compared to how many were foreign made? What things does America export to other countries? What things does America import from other countries? How does what you have learned about Comparative Advantage affect this trade?
2. Currently there is a lot of talk among politicians about imposing tariffs on foreign made products imported into the U.S. and retaliatory tariffs imposed by foreign countries on U.S. made goods. What is a tariff? Who ultimately pays the tariff? Who gets the proceeds from the tariffs? What is the money used for? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to all involved parties (American workers, American consumers, foreign workers, and foreign consumers) of tariffs on imports to the U.S. and retaliatory tariffs imposed by foreign countries on U.S. made goods.
3. In considering the foreign trade issue, discuss how the background, education and cultures of the people in the U.S. and the cultures in each trading country affects their understanding of the importance of foreign trade. Discuss the importance of your ability to understand and accept multiple cultural differences in a global context. What recommendations would you suggest to increase American understanding and acceptance of foreign cultures?
NOTE: separate title and reference page