Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework Paper

One of the requirements for that project is that you use a primary source for the theorist. This means that the theorist must have written the article/book by themselves. This should not be a co-authored book or a textbook.

complete this assignment, please be sure to do the following:

  • Provide an introduction (Begins with: The purpose of this paper is to_____, and then outlines the main points of the paper) and conclusion
  • Describes the nursing theorist, major concepts, definitions, assumptions, and propositions found in the theory. Incorporates how the theory fits the project purpose. Uses a primary source (theorist’s own writing) Primary= original, first-hand; the author of the source generated the research data they are using. Secondary Research: This is when an author of the source you are using gathers existing data, usually produced by someone else, and they then report, analyze, or interpret that other person’s data.
  • All metaparadigm concepts (person, health, environment, and nursing) are defined according to the theorist and student develops their own definition (operational) for concepts
  • Use subheadings
  • APA format should be used including a title page, and references. A running head is not needed
  • See the attached rubric for grading criteria.

Theorist:  Ida Jean Orlando,



Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
10 pts

Full Credit

Introduces main topic of the paper

5 pts

Partial Credit

Lacks clarity in introducing topic/paper

0 pts

No Credit

Does not introduce the main topic of the paper

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing Theorist
30 pts

Full Credit

Describes the nursing theorist, major concepts, definitions, assumptions and propositions found in the theory. Incorporates how the theory fits the project purpose Uses primary source (theorist’s own writing) in describing the theory

15 pts

Partial Credit

Lacks clarity or detail

0 pts

No Credit

Does not sufficiently describe the nursing theorist or the theory and does not explain how the theory fits the project purpose

30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing’s metaparadigm concepts
30 pts

Full Credit

All metaparadigm concepts (person, health, environment and nursing) are defined according to the theorist and student develops their own definition (operational) for concepts

15 pts

Partial credit

Lacks clarity or detail

0 pts

No credit

Does not sufficiently define concepts by theorist and does not include an operational definition of concepts

30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Writing
10 pts

Full Credit

Paper is at least 3-4 pages in length. Writing is accurate, clear, concise and organized. No more than two spelling, grammatical or sentence structure errors. Provides adequate detail in paper.

5 pts

Partial Credit

One to two areas lacking. More than three spelling, grammatical and sentence errors.

0 pts

No Credit

Writing is unprofessional. Multiple spelling and grammatical errors. Paper lacks detail

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
10 pts

Full Credit

Title page (Follow the APA 7th edition for writing a title page). Pages are numbered in upper right corner of each page. Times New Roman, 12 point type, double spacing with appropriate margins, paragraphs, indents. Headings and subheadings are used throughout the paper. References are cited appropriately and there are no more than two errors in APA style

5 pts

Partial Credit

More than three areas lack APA formatting

0 pts

No Credit

References or citations are missing. Multiple errrors in formatting

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Analysis
10 pts

Full Credit

Effectively summarizes the main points of the paper

5 pts

Partial Credit

Lacks clarity in concluding the main points of the paper

0 pts

No Credit

No conclusion

10 pts
Total Points: 100
