
In the attached file you will see I already wrote an Introduction you can rewrite it or add to it. The other part on the attached document is the outline on HOW I WANT THE PAPER TO LOOK LIKE. Please follow the outline and base what you have to write in each paragraph from the outline.

Please incorporate scholarly articles and references in the paper. I added some articles you can use.

I also attached the grading rubric. Please follow it also.

I am writing down the Outline of how i want you to write on this paper:

I.    Introduction

II.    History of American History
A.    Understanding United States history talk about brief American history and what led to medical research
B.    History and examples of clinical trials
C.    Belmont Report
D.    Helsinki Declaration

III.    The Affordable Care Act
use this article and other articles of your choice –
A.    What is the Affordable Care act?
B.    Importance and enhancement to medical research
C.    guidelines initiated by governmental institutions.
D.    Code of ethics – ethical codes of conduct in medical research designs.

IV.    Ethical Theories and Principles
A.    ethical issues in research
B.    Supporting Argument please provide 1 nursing theory: Utilitarianism; and 2 ethical principles
C.    Opposing argument please provide 1 nuring theory: Deontological or Justice Theory; and 2 ethical principles
D.    Flaws to either supporting or opposing argument talk about Willowbrook experiment and how it is flawed but still had an advantage at the end.

V.    Faith Integration
use this article and other articles of your choice –
A.    incorporation of faith-based principles
B.    The concept of religion and medical interventions
C.    Examples of religious leaders and physicians
D.    objectives of the integration of faith-based values and principles

VI.    Value to Nursing
use this article and other articles of your choice:
A.    Improvement of medical interventions by clinical trials
B.    Protect medical research participants’ interests
C.    The Good Clinical Practice
D.    The nurses benefit from clinical trials
E.    Code of ethics – nursing

VII.    Conclusion