
Part A: We would like you to post about your theoretical approach. (person centered therapy approach)  Briefly reflect on which orientation resonates the most with you and why.  Clearly name the approach (you can include integrative or eclectic here) and two things you appreciate about it that will work for you in our future practice (clearly label as 1 & 2)

Part B. Henry Stack Sullivan and Hildegard Peplau are known for their humanistic approach and understanding of personal distress in the context of our interactions with others (interpersonally).  To that, Interpersonal Psychotherapy has a significant evidence base in the treatment of depression.  Please refer to Wheeler (2012), Chapter 10, and briefly state two things you have learned about interpersonal psychotherapy- you can choose any section of this reading you like, such as principles, goals, the role of the therapist, etc.  Clearly label your take-aways as 1 and 2.