Thesis Machine


The Thesis Machine

One strategy for beginning to formulate effective thesis statements is to put your rough ideas through a thesis machine.  Example:

TOPIC: grades

TOPIC + POSITION: grades are unnecessary in college

TOPIC + POSITION + RATIONALE/ because: Grades are unnecessary in college because students learn more rapidly without them.

TOPIC + POSITION + RATIONALE + QUALIFICATION/ although: Although there may be legitimate need to evaluate the work of college students, the traditional grading system is unnecessary in college because it hinders learning and stifles creativity.

POLISHED WORKING THESIS STATEMENT: Although there may be a legitimate need to evaluate the work of college students, the traditional grading system hinders learning and stifles creativity.

Build Your Argumentative Thesis!


Topic + Position:

Topic + Position + Rationale:

Topic +Position +Rationale + Qualification:

Polished Working Thesis Statement:

(Note- No need to make large changes or delete anything. Just add together all the parts above (Topic+ Position + Rationale + Qualification), as shown in the video, to make your thesis)