Your Documented Research Paper will be a 5-8 page cause and effect essay that is due at the end of Unit 6.(THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE ESSAY, THE FINAL PAPER WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THIS ASSIGNMENT. THIS IS JUST THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, THESIS, OUTLINE, and FIRST PARAGRAPH as stated in the title.)
How has the use of robots affected industry?
Find at least five relevant credible sources on the ORU Library website. (LISTED ABOVE.) Create an annotated bibliography. Skim the sources, taking notes. Decide on the thesis, which is usually the answer to the research question you asked. Determine the main points you will cover, which is usually the list of causes or effects that you have discovered in your research. Use those points to develop a formal outline. Write the opening paragraph for the Research Paper, ending it with your thesis. Submit that Introduction, thesis and outline, and annotated bibliography.
The outline should follow a standard formal outline format. If you want to add more detail to the outline, use the following format:
Thesis statement
I.First main idea
A.First subordinate idea
1.First evidence for subordinate idea
a.First detail of evidence
b.Second detail of evidence
2.Second evidence for subordinate idea
B.Second subordinate ideaII.
Second main idea
Each main point in your outline represents several paragraphs of the researchpaper. The subordinate ideas might become topic sentences.