Things Fall Apart

How did imperial powers control and transform the societies that they colonized during the period 1750-1945?

When answering this question make sure that you consider the different possible perspectives one could use to examine this question. The perspective of the colonizer would differ from most, but not all, of the people who were colonized.
Choose a couple of major ways that demonstrate the effects of colonization (for example: their economies, their political progress, social developments, gender relations, etc.) and organize your essay around those themes. 
Also, in order to show how something has changed, you must also explain, to a degree, what these societies were like prior to the imperialists’ arrival.
Use the primary sources, the textbook and specific examples from Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart to help answer the question.

The paper should have an introduction and a conclusion.
There should be a thesis statement in the introduction.  Paper format: 3-4 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font.
When using quotations, and there should be some, be sure to include the page and/or line number of the book. Just put them in parentheses at the end of the sentence.  Example:  (Things Fall Apart, page 22)