Choose one text from  A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Norton Anthology, refer to the following link  and analyze how one of the concepts listed below manifests in a characters or characters decisions and/or perceptions of their environment. In other words, how does this concept below play out in the story? (This should be about a page in length using MLA format).


Characteristics discussed in BF Chapter 1 (SEE ATTACHED BOOK)
Types of Thinking (sociocentric, ethnocentric, egocentric)
Lack of intellectual Traits
Confirmation Bias
Any Logical Fallacy

Required Structure (This mimics Essay 1 Structure)

Include a clear topic sentence (One concept that manifests in [authors] [story title] is [concept].
Define the concept
Demonstrate with 1-2 detailed examples how the concept occurs in the story. Provide 1-2 pieces of textual support. Do not quote more than one line from the story when you use textual support.
Discuss the consequences of the character’s demonstration of the concept.