This assignment focuses on your knowledge of literacy instruction and the developmental progression of literacy skills and concepts as related to assessment and instruction. You will be asked to analy

This assignment focuses on your knowledge of literacy instruction and the developmental progression of literacy skills and concepts as related to assessment and instruction. You will be asked to analyze the assessment data provided and write a response (approximately 300-500 words for the whole paper). You’re writing 4 paragraphs–one for each area below in which you do the following:

  • PARAGRAPH 1: Identify two strengths that the student demonstrates related to literacy skills. BE SURE TO CITE EVIDENCE FROM THE SAMPLE DATA. For example you might begin your paragraph with something like, “David shows a strong understanding of letter -sound correspondence as demonstrated in his correct writing of beginning and consonant sounds on the dictation assessment.”
  • PARAGRAPH 2: Identify two significant needs that the student demonstrates related to literacy skills. BE SURE TO CITE EVIDENCE FROM THE SAMPLE DATA. For example you might begin your paragraph with, “David demonstrated a significant need in word identification and reading fluency as demonstrated by his running record assessment. As David read orally, he read word-by-word, very slowly with no phrasing and in a very robotic tone. He struggled to decode words on this assessment as well as the word reading assessment.”
  • PARAGRAPH 3: Describe one appropriate, effective instructional strategy or activity that would address the student’s need you identified. Be sure to explain what you are teaching, how you will teach it, and which need it relates to. Be sure this is about instruction not just a practice activity. Do not make up the strategy or activity. Use ideas presented in readings or from reputable sources (previous classes,, The Reading Teacher journal, other professional resources). Please site the book, article, or website the idea came from. Games and flash cards are not instructional activities.
  • Explain why the instructional strategy or activity you described would be effective in helping to address the needs you identified and reach grade-level standards as described in the TEKS for ELAR. BE SURE TO CITE SPECIFIC TEKS at the appropriate grade level.