This assignment requires you to research a countrys trade advantages within the global economy.

Based on your research, does your country have an absolute advantage in any area of international trade? If so, please describe this advantage and explain why you think they have this characteristic.
Remember: Absolute advantage is the ability of a country, individual, company, or region to produce a good or service at a lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity produces that good or service.
Based on your research, does your country have comparative advantages?
Remember: Comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party to produce a particular good or service at a lower marginal and opportunity cost over another. Even if one country is more efficient in the production of all goods compared to the other, both countries will still gain by trading with each other, as long as they have different relative efficiencies.

Content: In your assignment, answer all questions from the instructions. This does not mean that your paper should be prepared as a series of numbered short answers. You are to convert the questions into a series of paragraphs that blend into a cohesive, logical series of thoughts and ideas. Generally, you can be confident that your instructor is not interested in your repeating what the textbook has to say. The purpose of this written assignment is for you to demonstrate what you think or conclude based on your reading and understanding of the course materials and/or research.
Length: Your assignment is required to be 2-3 pages long. Title pages, pages of references, citations or graphs DO NOT count towards the length of the paper.
Format: The assignment must be double-spaced, using no more than a 12-point font and standard margins of no greater than 1 on all sides.
File Formats: Your Assignment must be submitted in an .rtf or Word file.
Citations: When citing a source that is not your original work, a citation must be provided. For all assignments, your citations must conform to APA Style, which is the standard citation style for the business disciplines. Review the page “Resources for Success” in the Course Information section of the course for more assistance with research, writing, and formatting of your essay.