This journal assignment consists of reading the article that has been distributed to you and compiling a short summary of the journal article to develop a deeper understanding of the topic. Each article relates to mechanical ventilation is some way even

This journal assignment consists of reading the article that has been distributed to you and compiling a short summary of the journal article to develop a deeper understanding of the topic.  Each article relates to mechanical ventilation is some way even though the topic may or may not be familiar to you as of yet. 
This assignment is worth 15% of your total grade.  With the directions for the assignment, you will find an example of the proper typed APA style format and the rubric with which the assignment will be graded.  The assignment will need a title page, body of the assignment (an introduction section, a summary section, a conclusion section), and a reference page.  The body of the assignment will be no more than two pages.  The total pages will be four pages with the title page and reference page.  The assignment must be TYPED in 12-Point font double-spaced using Times New Roman with proper citation of your one reference.  The assignment will be uploaded in Blackboard through SafeAssign for grading purposes by April 16.
One reference should be made in the introduction section to the journal article with proper citation of that reference.  Everyones journal article was selected from the same source which is Advance for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine.
Example of citing a journal as a reference in your paper:
**The first time that you refer to your journal article in the introduction section a citation must be done.

In the journal article, Taking the Next Breath, the author discusses some techniques to implement best practices in weaning patients in the ICU from prolonged ventilation (Nelson 20-22).

**If your article has more than one author, cite in the following method:
Two authors:  (Gartman and Stanchina, 10-13)
Three or more authors:  (Nelson, Gartman, and Stanchina 10-13)

I have attached the article below.