This multi-part assignment is intended to allow students the opportunity to develop their skills in creating a class plan, to be presented as an audio-recorded PowerPoint presentation, and to construc

This multi-part assignment is intended to allow students the opportunity to develop their skills in creating a class plan, to be presented as an audio-recorded PowerPoint presentation, and to constructively critique the work of a peer. The description for each of these components follows:

  1. Class Plan for PowerPoint Presentation

This is the beginning of the assignment! In this section of the assignment you will need to develop a class plan that could be taught, using active teaching/learning strategies, in a nursing program or in a healthcare agency. You will not be presenting an actual class, but only a “plan” of a class that you may or may not teach someday. The level of the nursing students or nurses intended for this class does not matter (i.e., it could be an BSN, ASN, LPN class, staff development education class, or nursing unit in-service class), but should be specified in the project description. This should not be a class plan to teach patients/families.

You should be cautious to not attempt to teach a content area larger than is required for this project, you are not developing an entire course or unit. Instead, what you are being asked for is a one-class plan for what might be the equivalent of a 1 – 2 hour class. It could be a psychomotor skill, clinical lab session, an actual face-to-face theory class, a module in a web-based or web-enhanced class, or it could be self-learning module for use in a health care agency.


  • For those of you who teach on a regular basis, either full or part time, I would recommend that you choose a class or lab that you have been wanting to revise or revamp as the class to be developed.
  • Really push yourself to encompass creative or unusual-for-you teaching strategies so that you “wrap your mind around” a new approach, rather than just writing up something you already do so that you can check off one more course requirement.

Include the following information in the Guidelines Table for Teaching Project below in your class plan- this will be the content of your PowerPoint presentation. It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the titles in the Component column as headers for your slides so you don’t forget to include any content.  (There may be more than one slide with the same header if there is too much content to place in one slide.)