Threat and Risk Assessment

1. Final Project : Conduct a risk assessment to identify a critical asset in their local community that is pre-approved by the course instructor, and to develop an appropriate counter-measure for Police, Business and the Community to mitigate the terrorist threat. The Assessment process shall be conducted in accordance with the Risk Analysis protocols covered in the course materials and must follow a prescribed methodology. You must be able to defend your assessment of the threat, and counter-measure selected to mitigate it.



Health and Safety Risk Assessment
This assignment will consist of a detailed risk assessment on a wet/dry heat area within a spa. It will incorporate what a risk assessment is and what it is for, also a risk assessment procedure and the possible dangers that could occur in the work place if the health and safety rules are not followed.

This assignment is going to look at the most popular facilities within the spa environment which are: Saunas, Jacuzzis, steam rooms, showers, floatation tanks and swimming pools, as regular checks are paramount to avoid water bourn diseases.

Introduction- risk assessment & Health and safety at work act

Identify any hazards present within  the spa environment

A risk assessment for a shower area may consist of the following possible hazards:

A risk assessment for the swimming pool, Jacuzzi and plunge pool would be comparable and consist of the following possible hazards:

A sauna and steam room will also have some similarities and consist of these possible hazards:-

List down affected people (e.g. guest, staff and others)

Evaluate how these people might be harmed

Determine the existing procedures and evaluate if it follows safe working practices

Assess whether the existing controls are enough or recommend further action needs

Finally, if a hazard  event occurs how would the target recover? what needs to be in place to recover from the incident.



***COURSE TEXT BOOK (Use As A Source)**

Lesser, Ian O., Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, Michele Zanini, and Brian Michael Jenkins,  Countering the New Terrorism, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, MR-989-AF, 1999.