}Three Days to Have the Complete Gift of Life Most of us take our endowed physical and emotional abilities for granted. We do not think what we would do and how we would conduct ourselves without our

}Three Days to Have the Complete Gift of Life

Most of us take our endowed physical and emotional abilities for granted.  We do not think what we would do and how we would conduct ourselves without our limbs and other abilities such as eyesight, hearing/speaking, thinking, and reasoning.

Imagine you were born with a major disability; for example, you have never seen the environment and your loved ones or heard the sounds of nature, music, and the people around you.  Then, one day, you wake up and miraculously discover that you have the ability to see or hear, but it will only last three days.  What would you do under such a circumstance? What events, experiences, and associations, would you try to crowd into those three days?  

            Your composition should comprise at least three pages.  This is not a research essay; it is rather an evaluation of your creativity, imagination, critical thinking skills, and metacognition.  Hence, you should not include any in-text citations or Works Cited.  Please edit and revise your essay before uploading the final copy on e-Campus.

Please read the article three days to see by Helen keller and follow the instructions on the prompt to write an essay of two to three pages.
