three page essay

You are going to select an arguable issue that you feel strongly about and explain why you feel strongly about the issue.  

The assignment will include, the essay itself (Max. 3 pages) and a MLA works cited (1 page).  The assignment should not exceed four pages. 

Look out for an argumentative checklist that will send that will serve as a great tool for editing. 

Evaluation Criteria

The most important thing is that you fully use you analytical skills in using the appropriate rhetorical structure. 

 I will be looking for the use of opening and concluding strategies. Please underline your thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph. 

The style will be formal, and I want to see how well you can utilize the standards of American Edited English.

  •   o I will be looking to see how well you provide evidence to support your position. Be sure to cite any research/statistics within your paper.  Include in text citations. Adhere to MLA guidelines  

I am  looking for grammatical perfection, so the essay must be readable and free of mechanical errors that distract your reader.

Do not repeat any errors from previous papers. Your writing must show growth/improvement to obtain a satisfactory grade 

You will be required to upload your paper into to Turn it in. Papers that generate more than 25% matching other on line sources will receive a failing grade.